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Clips et liens multimédias

Athletics Ontario Running Podcast

Derrick chatted with John Shep from Athletics Ontario Running Podcast about snowshoe running and much more! 

Derrick Spafford | Rediscovering Running After a 31-Year Streak

Derrick chatted about my running streak, pulmonary embolism that stopped my streak, my return to running, the new Dion Canadian Snowshoe Series and more.

Vous cherchez une autre façon de sortir et de profiter de l'hiver?
Cette semaine sur Quinte Connection, Lindsey rend visite à Derrick Spafford de Spafford Health and Adventure, pour en savoir plus sur les raquettes, en particulier la course en raquettes, pour le plaisir et pour le sport.. 

Votre Quinte TV

(février 2022)

Ton nouveau sport d'hiver préféré : la course à raquettes
Derrick Spafford, expert résident de la course en raquettes, nous dit tout ce que nous devons savoir sur ce sport unique. 

La séquence de 31 ans de course : Derrick Spafford

Emily Rudow a interviewé et écrit un article sur les 31 années consécutives de Derrick.

(juillet 2021)

Cet homme a couru tous les jours pendentif 31 ans
Radio Canada a interviewé et écrit un article sur ses 31 années consécutives. 


(février 2021)

La longue séquence de trois décennies du coureur ontarien prend fin

Derrick est interviewé par Get Out There Magazine à propos de sa séquence de 31 années consécutives. 

Sortez du magazine

(février 2021)

La séquence de trois décennies consécutives de l'homme de la région prend fin

Derrick est interviewé par The Whig Standard à propos de sa séquence de courses. 

La norme whig

(février 2021)

Derrick was interviewed about his running streak. March 2018

Derrick interviewed by author Jessica Alfred about changing your goal-setting strategies.

Canadian Running Jan/Feb 2018

Photos of Derrick Snowshoe Running in article by David Robinson.

Triathlon Magazine Canada Jan/Feb 2018

Derrick's running streak hitting 10,000 days makes the list.

Canadian Running Dec 2017

Ontario’s Derrick Spafford reaches 10,000 consecutive days of running

Article about Derrick's running streak, started in 1989.

Canadian Running May 2017

Story about Jack Judge. Linked Derrick's Facebook Post to National Post article of 2016 with coaching quotes.

Canadian Running Sept 2017

The “run Forrest, run!” episode, including an interview with Derrick about his running streak.

Canadian Running May 2017

Chinese running website iRanShao covered the Yukon Arctic Ultra and shared Derrick’s race experience there.

IRanShao Feb 2016

CBC TV Our Toronto

A segment (Feb 6 episode) on snowshoe running and racing. Derrick discussed what makes a good running snowshoe, the increased popularity of the sport and why it’s so much fun.

CBC Feb 2016

Jennifer Pinarski interviewed and quoted Derrick for her article.

Boomer Nutrition Jan 2016

Derrick was interviewed about many different aspects of his running history and business.

Limitless Pursuits Dec 2015

Derrick was quoted in two different articles on race directing (pages 14-15) and coaching (page 41). There was also a good article about Snowshoe Running and Dion Running Snowshoes from Spafford Health and Adventure (page 40).

Trail Running Canada Feb 2015

Canadian Running Jan 2015


Derrick was quoted in this article asking the question why runners run long.

Breathe Magazine 2015

Cold Hard Competition

Article about the Yukon Arctic Ultra that mentions Derrick’s 2012 race.

Up Here Magazine 2015

Derrick was interviewed for Canadian Chinese TV Network and their story on Trail Running in Ontario Parks.

Fairchild TV 2015

A New Movement: Snowshoe Running

Derrick provided tips about snowshoe running (pages 40-41).

iRun November 2014

Derrick was interviewed about snowshoe running, racing and the Dion Eastern Ontario Snowshoe Running Series.

Kingston This Week Dec 2013

Derrick was quoted in the Globe and Mail in an article about snowshoe running

Globe and Mail Feb 2013

Interview about coaching and Derrick’s running background.

Blog Talk Radio Sept 2013


Derrick offers advice about how trail running can benefit road runners.

iRun Magazine Sept 2013

Canadian Running Magazine

An article about Derrick’s running streak of running every day since 1989.

Canadian Running July 2013


Derrick contributed tips about racing faster on the road, while training on trails. ​

iRun Magazine June 2013

Canadian Running

Derrick was mentioned as one of the coaches in an article about Impossible2Possible. Derrick was also featured in a full page advertisement for La Sportiva as part of their Camera Project.

Canadian Running Magazine April 2013

Distance Obsessed Podcast

Interview with Derrick.

Distance Obsessed March 2013

Article and interview about the 2013 Yukon Arctic Ultra in March 2013

Derrick's recipe page on URP. Feb 2014

Article in the Kingston Whig Standard newspaper about Derrick running the Yukon Arctic Ultra.

Kingston Whig Standard Feb 2013

Derrick was interviewed for

Ultrarunner Podcast Sept 2012


Article Derrick was interviewed about ultrarunning in Fringe Magazine.

Fringe Magazine Dec 2012


Derrick was quoted in Reps Magazine for an article on Fastpacking and Hiking.

Reps Magazine Aug 2012

Derrick was quoted in Reps Magazine for an article on Fastpacking and Hiking.

Draft Magazine Aug 2012

Derrick appeared on the Petzl Blog with his endorsement of the Petzl NAO

Petzl Blog Aug 2012

Canadian Made: Snowshoe Crossings

Sara and Derrick appeared on the series Canadian Made (Episode 13: Snow Crossings).

History Television July 2012

Trail Running Canada

An interview with Derrick on running, coaching and Spafford Health and Adventure for Trail Running Canada digital magazine.

Trail Running Canada June 2012


Derrick was interviewed about ultra marathon running and the Yukon Arctic Ultra. May 2012

Article by Meghan Hicks in Trail Runner Magazine on Fastpacking that Derrick was quoted in. Pages 52-59.

Trail Runner Magazine Jan 2012


Article in Breathe Magazine about the Yukon Arctic Ultra race results.

Breathe Magazine February 2012

Derrick was quoted about the sport of snowshoe running in the Globe and Mail newspaper.

Globe and Mail Feb 2012

26.2 and Beyond: A Marathon Journey

Derrick and Sara were featured in the four part TV documentary,

TV Cogeco January 2012

Article on Derrick preparing for the Yukon Arctic Ultra.

The Kingston Whig Standard Jan 2012

Article on Derrick preparing for the Yukon Arctic Ultra.

Napanee Guide Jan 2012

Derrick was interviewed by Get Out There Magazine as part of their video coverage of the Dion Frontenac Park Snowshoe Race.

Get Out There Jan 2012

Our Kingston

Six hot spots for Kingston trail runners

Our Kingston Sept 2011

Derrick was quoted in the Kingston Life Magazine article on the benefits of barefoot running.

Kingston Life Jan 2011

Derrick's advice on building the long run and preparing for the terrain in this article by Alex Hutchinson.

Canadian Running Mar 2010

Frontenac This Week

Coverage after Rock and Ice.

Frontenac This Week April 2009

Rock and Ice Ultra

Coverage after Rock and Ice.

Napanee Guide April 2009

Rock and Ice Local News

Story on Sara and Derrick’s lead up to the 2009 Rock and Ice.

Kingston Whig Standard March 2009

Rock and Ice 2008

Follow up story in April 2008 about Derrick’s race.

Kingston Whig Standard April 2008

Rock and Ice 2008 Preparations

Story about Derrick’s preparations for the 2008 Rock and Ice.

Napanee Guide March 2008

La Cloche Silhouette Trail

Derrick is quoted about Killarney and the La Cloche Silhouette Trail.

Outpost Summer 2009

Sara is quoted in a story by Bonnie Schiedel about the sport of snowshoe running.

Best Health Jan 2009

Diamonds in the Rough: Between Rock and Ice and a Hard Place

Derrick is mentioned in Michal Kapral’s excellent story on the 2008 Rock and Ice Ultra, called .

Canadian Running Jan 2009

Interactive Breathing

Derrick and Sara talk about which athlete we would like to be in our next race.

Breathe Winter 2007

Kingston Runners

Derrick and Sara profiled in an article about runners in the Kingston area.

Kingston Life Fall 2005

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